Welcome to the Alchemy of Ecology ~

Existence can be re-imagined.
Unless you're being replenished rather than drained by your relationships and activities, you have yet to break through to your fuller existence.
A healthier, vibrant earth is being born ~ a sparkling, incandescent, blue-green planet is beginning to emerge from the husk of the past ~ and you’re a living part of making it happen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thoughts on Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami

Thoughts on Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami 11 March 2011

This is a decade of awakening and synthesis on all levels.

A tsunami is a wave of potent power. It symbolizes our deep interconnection with the earth. It shows us how all things in the world affects all other things. An earthquake represents sudden change that affects daily life. Not just for those touched by it directly, but for all of us who witness its devastating effects. An earthquake in one part of the world has the power to create tidal waves in another.

A tsunami also indicates a drawing in of energy for renewal and recharging. The water aspect symbolizes purification of emotions and brings with it hope of renewed life. Consider the powerful magnitude of today’s event. Is it possible that this particular earthquake and tsunami bring with it an infusion of expanded awareness to our relationship with the earth? And to one another?

The seeds of our human, spiritual and environmental consciousness are bursting forth everywhere ~ even amidst the seduction of materialism and corporate greed that threatens to unravel the fabric of world cultures at an alarming rate. In recognizing that human practices borne of the industrial age can only be challenged and transcended by an even greater pull toward one’s inner soul life, then we can see that Japan’s events today are a wake-up call to all of us.

As this wave of higher consciousness begins—and it has already begun—the lure of materialistic-based ‘progress’ loses it’s allure. It fails to live up to its spin. We know it in our hearts. Even amidst Japan’s devastation, there exists the opportunity for renewal of a vaster kind. One that is woven by compassionate care of people, of the earth and for the fairness of a just world. Is nature herself inviting us to sow seeds of conscious change in Japan?

The key principle at work here is that anything that constellates our darkest points—both individually and as collective witness to the results of short-term human thinking—points the way to authentic transformation.

As we evolve in co-creating a more humane and just world, we begin to recognize others who mirror back to us the essential goodness and light in our own souls. Nurture this single yet universal aspect, and we can begin to grow beyond awakening. We begin to grow in consciousness of the heart. It begins with conversation—soul to soul—or sohbet as it is called by the Sufis. It’s much more than talking. It is actually a sacred dialogue arising from soul connections that stir forces of creation and renewal. To enter sacred space with one another is to tune in to the source essence of our authentic selves. It’s where we engage with the inner fabric of a world filled with light and brimming with love. This sacred space is all-encompassing and all-inclusive—and is available to everyone.

We are awakening to our most meaningful impact in the world—as stewards of the earth and of one other. We evolve in consciousness that is mirrored in our choices and actions—both great and small—or we suffer within the limitations of old thinking patterns. Through our dependence on nature, we have evolved senses and emotions enabling us to respond to her danger, beauty and opportunity. We are by our nature--by these adaptions--urgently connected to the natural world.

Compassionate care for people and the earth gives us a new evolutionary perspective that WE are points of light and stability amidst the growing crisis all of us face as members of the human race.

So converse. Share your light. Nurture the earth. Heal and evolve. It’s what we were designed to do.

En paix,


"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe." ~ John Muir
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Catherine Walker
Eco-evolutionary Projects & Programs

Soul Ecology | Eco Stewardship | Inner Permaculture
Fostering Environmental Stewardship through Evolutionary Initiatives
t: +707.217.3611

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Poetry & Verse

The Pearl

The Ocean
The birth mother of all life on this Blessed Earth
She holds a pearl
A pearl of endless value
A presence so inwardly alive and soulful
It can change the world

We, of the generation that is hitting bottom
Each of us are being quietly called
by this pearl
to awaken to our own full presence
in outrageous acts of limitless love
Catalyzing an unstoppable soulful force
Penetrating through
To the fertile inner nature
Of life itself

Like a full moon radiating its light
Back to the pearl of the earth
In the womb of the Ocean

Catherine Walker, Feb. 18, 2011